Friday, July 10, 2009
Friday, June 5, 2009
We have internet
So I never post on here because I don't have internet. And now there is officially internet at my house. We'll soon see if that is the real reason I haven't been posting on here. :)
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Engagement/Proposal Details
Day 1 - Wednesday January 28, 2009
On this morning I was sleeping when all of the sudden Eric woke me up around 1 am to tell me that it was just him in the house and that I shouldn’t be alarmed. He had a key to my place because back in the day my roommate Nicole told me to give him one because she was tired of getting up to let him in. So anyway, I don’t think anything of him waking me up. I figure he was hungry or needed something or whatever. So I promptly when back to sleep. But then a little while later, Eric woke me up again. This time he asked me for my car keys. I told him where they were and then he told me to go back to sleep and not to get up until morning. Then he closed my bedroom door and left. Now of course I was totally curious as to what he was doing. So I lay there in my bed tossing and turning, listening to Eric wander all over the house. Then I needed to use the restroom so I texted Eric to ask if I could use the restroom (about 1:30 am). He told me I could, but I had to go straight back to bed. He stood in the hallway to make sure I didn’t go anywhere else. Then I went back to bed and told him this was horrible torture. That I just wanted to go and see what he was doing. He told me to wait until morning. So I tossed and turned for hours, not getting much sleep. Then at 5:40 am I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get up. I got up and saw little pieces of papers stuck on the doors. Then I noticed Eric on the couch. I asked him why he was still here. He answered that he wanted to make sure that I didn’t get up and look around the house in the middle of the night. He told me he slept awful too because he kept worrying that I was going to cheat. I started reading all the cute little love notes and saying he left around the house. Then I found one that said something to make me think I was looking for a clue. And I mentioned something to him. He asked if I had read the first clue. I didn’t know there was a specific clue. So he told me to go back to the bathroom and look inside the envelope. And this is where it all begins…
Note on bathroom mirror:
Clue 1
You thought you were safe, it was just summer fun. But look at you now, what have you done! It was going to be just a quick summer fling, now you are hoping for a pretty diamond ring. Follow the clues, there are bound to be more, In fact your next one might be on a door.
On door (downstairs closet door of food storage room)
Clue 2
Love notes on all the wrong doors Step one is complete, now on to part two. Don't think to hard, you can breeze through Shower and dress and go on with your day Your next clue can be found in your way.
Notes that were on all the doors:
Nothing here, sorry! So close, or wait, nope. Did you know I love you? Wanna be my wife? Don't answer yet. You should really clean this cupboard Mmmm, cereal, but no clues. You can't hide romantic clues by the garbage silly. Brrr, looks cold out. I love the sparkle in your eyes.You have cute hair. Exchange this for a GIANT hug. Good for 2 kisses, well 4, no 8, okay lots. Look over there -> Congratulations! You've been voted "Most Beautiful" They say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but you are the only one for me. TV Stands have doors Did you get the one on the oven? What about in the oven? I love snuggling with you.Are you keeping all these? You might need them later. I like it when we talk I am excited about our life together Do you miss me right now? You get me too. -Mr. Dryer Remember to look on the inside tooThat is the COOOOOLEST coat If you were in jail and could have someone bring you a cake, who would it be? Life just wouldn't be worth living without brownie mix, and YOU!You don't have to look outsideI love you. You're just stupid if you don't marry her I liked petting the sting ray I wouldn't start that if I were you. Did you find all of us?
I of course can’t wait until I get ready and am leaving to go out to my car to get the next clue. Eric tried to convince me that it wasn’t in my car. But hello, why else would he need my car keys? So I go out to my car and find clue #3.
In my car:
Clue 3 We went to Hawaii, South Dakota, Nebraska In our old age probably we’ll go on a cruise to Alaska We have so much together to do and to see, So let me get on, with clue number 3. We always enjoy fun things like the fair For your next clue please call the wife of "Here Bear!"
I had to wait for awhile before I could call the wife of “Here Bear”- Nichole May Ashby - because by this point it’s only 6 am. So I resign that I will have to wait awhile and get ready for the day. So when I need to leave I am of course anxious to get my next clue. So I quickly call Nichole and she asks me if I’m driving. I tell her yes. She asks me to promise. I do and quickly turn the radio on for her to hear so that I can get my clue. And just as I’m getting on the freeway she gives me this clue:
Nichole Ashby (do not give unless she is driving to work):
Clue 4 These clues seem too easy, but don't you despair, Eventually they will make you want to swear. You can't get to your next clue just yet, Knowing might make you go quick like a jet. Don't drive too fast or get in a funk, Your next clue awaits you right in your trunk.
I am super anxious at this point because I have to drive all the way down to BYU instead of just to Highland High School which will take an extra 25 minutes. I even had thrown things into my trunk and didn’t see the clue. Grrrr. But oh I was loving this whole clue thing. And the proposal had finally begun! So when I was finally at BYU I opened the trunk to find this clue:
In the trunk of my car along with 3 massage certificates:
Clue 5 Working with school kids can make you so bugged When you get home you'll want to be rubbed. Here is a gift you will definitely enjoy Coupons to get massaged by a cute boy. You have school now, and then family too How are you going to get your next clue? There is someone we visit on Sunday each week, If you say the right things she'll give you a peak. She doesn't know what you are going to say, But sweet things always help brighten your day. Tell her you love her, appreciate her and more, Then ask her if for you she has something in store?
I was already talking to Mom at this point, so I assumed it was probably her. So I did as the clue instructed, but she told me she didn’t have a clue for me. So I texted Shiloh (my sister-in-law) since she was the other female we visit each Sunday, but Shiloh said she didn’t have a clue for me either. So I texted Eric to see what was going on. He said that I wasn’t supposed to ask until I saw them tonight. He had reworded the clue without realizing he forgot to mention I couldn’t ask until our girls’ night. So here it was only 8:30 in the morning and I couldn’t get my next clue until 6 in the evening. At this point I figured that this would probably be an ongoing proposal since I had my family thing that night. When I got done with my conference at BYU I thought I’d give it a shot at getting Mom to give me my clue without seeing me. She told me no. She said she was going to follow Eric’s instructions. So finally I arrived at my cousin’s home that evening to earn my next clue.
From my mom – Susie Johnson:
Clue 6 They say when you marry, the whole family you get If that saying holds true, then we are totally set. Your evening is taken and that is okay Tomorrow another clue will come your way. Have fun with your family, because they are great, Get up a bit early for breakfast, you won't want to be late.
It was very fun and exciting. I told all the girls on my mom’s side of the family (that live near at least). They were all so happy for me. And when I was driving home I called Eric for him to meet me at home . And I got another clue:
Hung on a cupboard at home that night:
Clue 7 I do this for fun, not out of spite If you have to wait a bit longer, you will be alright You are probably anxious to see what I've done What do you think so far of day one? Tomorrow morning is going to be great, You will wake up and find clue number eight.
So that concludes day one of my marathon proposal. I was loving the entire thing. It was so fantastic. And I couldn’t wait for more.
Day 2 - Thursday January 29, 2009
I woke up to the sound of Eric locking his car door and entering my home. I stayed laying in bed as I listened to him making me breakfast. Then he came upstairs to serve me breakfast in bed (French Toast and Eggs). When breakfast was done I asked for clue 8.
My morning clue with breakfast in bed
Clue 8 Good morning, good morning, I am clue 8 How did you like the food on your plate? Yesterday’s clues seemed to just make you wait The outcome it seems was just not that great Today is much more fun, as you will see You should get a delivery, before period three.
Now I need to give you a little background at this point. I have this class called ProStart. Now most of these students I have had in years past as well as this year. So they have known about Eric the entire time we’ve been dating. They are constantly asking me if I’m engaged, and why hasn’t he done it yet and so and so forth. One day earlier this year, they told me I needed to tell Eric to propose during their class because they would be so excited. So after reading clue 8 I looked at Eric and said, “Really? You’re really going to involve ProStart?” He replied, “Why not, they want to be involved, so why not let them have fun with it?” So I figured I was getting a delivery of something (thinking flowers) during ProStart (Period A2).
So 2nd period starts (ProStart). I get the class started. Then in walks Eric with 2 dozen roses. I was stunned. I didn’t think he would come. I just expected a delivery. So my whole class looks at the door and say, “Who’s that?” Then they make the connection. Eric moves me to the center of the room and gets down on one knee, with flowers in one hand and a ring box in another. The class goes crazy wild! They are jumping up and down screaming. Some of them run out in the hall to get other classes and teachers to come. A crowd starts to gather (at least 30 extra people showed up). The noise level is out of control and it is hilarious! I am laughing and Eric is laughing and it is just plain awesome. Eric and I both started to tear up a little. And while the students are all yelling and freaking out I look and Eric and I ask him if he’s really doing it right there in 2nd period? Remember that he is down on one knee, with a ring box. He tells me he’s just giving the kids a show. So Eric starts to talk and the class (plus other spectators) becomes silent (which is historical for this group of students).
Clue 9 intro - fake proposal w/ flowers This is what Eric said while down on one knee: “Ms. Johnson you are the coolest teacher of all time, I'd like you to be mine, Would you do me the honor, and take clue number 9?”
So Eric stands up and hands me the clue envelope and flowers. Kisses me, tells me he loves me, and leaves. The class is so sad! They are upset that he didn’t give me the ring. Then finally they realize what is going on, that he said clue 9. So they ask for the story. One of them, Vanessa, said that she almost started crying. Other girls like Kiera are saying that they think he’s the cutest guy in the world. Julio and other guys are saying that he is the coolest and he’s putting so much effort and thought into the entire proposal. The students were all super impressed. One of the students, Alex, he asks me all the time if Eric has proposed yet, he asked me why Eric chose their class. I told him it was because their class is always wanting to know and because Alex had asked if Eric would propose in their class. Alex told me to tell Eric thanks for including their class in the proposal. – as a side note, numerous students from that class came back the next day to found out what the scoop was on the proposal. So here is the clue that Eric handed to me during class.
Eric handed to me with 2 dozen gorgeous pink roses during ProStart
Clue 9 Breakfast in bed, then flowers too. I wonder what he has planned next to do. Day two is much better than day one And it just started, just wait ‘til we're done. When you get a free minute you might want to look In your gmail to see what is booked. It won't be there the first time you check, Unless I had told you, you would have looked in a sec. Be patient, keep looking, don't you fret I think you're excited, in fact I would bet
So I kept checking the Google calendar awaiting the arrival of the next clue. And finally it showed up around 12 or 1.
On our Google calendar:
Clue 10 What: Dinner Somewhere - If you can guess where: You get to guess, it isn't too hard
On our first date we went to Texas Roadhouse. Who knew then that you would be my spouse. Tonight we continue the next clue as planned We will have dinner tonight, from a distant land. Eat just enough to satisfy your tummy, The leftovers reheat, and are still very yummy.
So then I knew we were going to India House for dinner. It is one of our favorite restaurants. And then I was slightly bummed that I might not be receiving more clues prior to dinner. But then to my happy surprise I received a text from Eric with the following message.
To me from Eric via text:
Clue 10.1
I am a new clue, called ten point one I am like all the others but a lot more fun I come out of nowhere, and despite my size If you figure me out, you get another prize We are all quizzes you must figure out Make sure you are right you don't want to doubt Wait for my friends, they show up at random You need all of us, we work in tandem.
So I was really excited to be getting more clues. And I thought it was super cute that Eric would use 10.1 since he is a computer geek and new software versions use that numbering system. J I had to double check with him that I wasn’t supposed to figure anything out from clue 10.1. I wasn’t. It was just warning me that more clues would be coming that I would have to figure out. So a couple hours later I received a phone call from one of our great friends Sarah Egbert. It was about 4:30 or 5 by now (if memory serves me well).
From Sarah Egbert via the phone:
Clue 10.2
You've been patient today through what felt like a drought Listen carefully as clue 10.2 comes out Ssend Eric a text so he'll know if you're right He'll send you one back sometime later tonight He has a big family as you know How many nieces and nephews are there, ready, GO!
Wahoo! An easy question to answer. I could even name almost of all them (sorry I did forget a couple of the nephews’ names for a few minutes).
I answered: You have 8 nephews: 5 alive, 1 who's passed on, and 2 step-nephews. You have 4 nieces: 3 normal and one-step niece. So you have 12 nieces and nephews all together.
Given to me at dinner at India House
Clue 11 There are so many things you've brought to my life I'm very excited to have you as my wife My favorite person has your next clue I will take you there, then you know what to do. You have to come get it because he won't understand How to get it through the phone from his little hand.
So I knew that we had to go to Eric’s sister Leisha’s house because Landon (4) has always been his favorite person. He loves this kid. Well, always been his favorite person might be misleading. Back in the early days of our dating I asked Eric if I was his favorite person. He told me no. I asked him who was his favorite person then….he said Landon. So it’s been a standing thing for us to see if I am more of his favorite than Landon at any given time. So we had a fabulous dinner at India House as I waited patiently to head out to Landon’s to get my next clue. From Landon with a real Pearl Necklace:
Clue 12 You can be his favorite that is okay As long as you both still come and play They love getting jewelry I have started a trend You do know that diamonds are a girl's best friend When you get Eric you also get all his gear Your next clue is buried in it I fear.
So I looked at Eric very worried that I would have to dig through his very smelly hockey gear. However, Eric assured me that it was just in all of his stuff, not necessarily the hockey gear. So I went downstairs to hunt through all his stuff stored at Leisha’s. Landon came with me. Landon kept wanting to play instead of help me find the clues. So after searching for quite awhile I still couldn’t find it so I went upstairs to ask for more hints. Eric told me to look toward the corner. I went and searched the corners again and again. Still no luck. So after awhile I went back upstairs to get more help. Eric came down and realized I was not a half-giant like him so he grabbed the clue for me since I was too short to find it.
Found amongst Eric’s gear attached to a huge Symphony bar:
Clue 13 I give you fair warning so we can be on time, To clean yourself up, and wash off any grime. I hope you're excited and didn't expect less, Tomorrow night, you will want to be wearing a dress. A skirt will do too, when we get in the car, And I drive you to the place named after this bar. It starts right at eight, we'll want to be a bit early. Get primped and primed, and all cute and all girly.
Day 3 - Friday January 30, 2009
So nothing exciting happened this morning. I was kind of sad, I enjoyed the breakfast with Eric two mornings in a row. I guess that’s one more thing to look forward to with my new life with my sweetie Eric. So during 1st period today my phone went off a few times (vibrate only). I couldn’t resist the temptation. I had to check my phone between classes. I found that my sister-in-law Shiloh had called and texted. I called her back to get my clue. J
From Shiloh Johnson over the phone at 9:05 am:
Clue 10.3
The first time you asked me I had no clue for you But guess what, Now I do! This is clue ten point three Pay attention and listen carefully You tried to convince him he was the first boy you kissed You thought you were sneaky, oh how you wished He didn't believe you, or give it a thought But do you remember, where is this spot
I guessed: I think the spot is on the love sacks at the Bakers’ house.Eric’s response: Oh you are wrong. Hint: I used to run for miles thereMy second guess: Liberty park, on the swings
From our good friend Missy Jurgens via the phone:
Clue 10.4 This is clue ten point four Don't you worry there will be more This is something Eric really likes Riding down mountains on his bike His favorite day ever there was no sun It rained and rained and was quite fun Guess the place that he would go In the summer when there is no snow. As you fly down make sure you steer You don't want to get hurt my dear.
My guess: Deer ValleyEric’s response: correct
Then I came home from school only to find a package left for me on the kitchen counter. It had another clue and also a caramel apple and chocolate dipped strawberries from our favorite, the chocolate cottage.
Waiting for me on my counter with caramel apple and chocolate strawberries:
Clue 14 welcome home I am clue fourteen excuse all those others that came in between would you look at that someone left you a treat boy that sure was sweet your next clue is hiding where could it be maybe outside, stuck on the .....
So I started to search outside. I started with the trees, since that is what the clue led me to believe. I checked the front tree and then the back. On my way back to the house I started to look on the porch to see what else could rhyme with be….when I found the note stuck on our water barrels out back. So here is clue 15.
On the water barrels out back:
Clue 15 Water? Water doesn't rhyme with be, Fooled you I'm sneaky you thought it was tree Ok, that was too easy, should we make it hard? Hope you’re inside, it is cold in the yard Guess what your next clue is sneaky too No one is just going to give it to you I suspect it's with the boy by you tonight I say search him, that's right Check him in the middle of the symphony Then we will be closer to him on one knee
So I finally started getting ready for our night at the Symphony. While I was in the shower washing off the grime, my good friend (and former mission companion) Michelle Brotherson had called and left me a message. I called her back, but she was unavailable. When we finally connected this is what she told me:
From Michelle Brotherson over the phone:
Clue 10.5 This is the place, you wish it was done On the sand, with the setting sun You brought home something you just love It lives under the seas and in heavens above There was another that was left behind, That nowhere else can I find. What is the creature Eric liked more than the rest When snorkeling with you and your floating vest
My guess: turtleEric’s response: Good job love, I would have accepted turtle or puffer fish because they both were soooooo fun.
So Eric came and picked me up for the symphony and dinner. We went to Thai Siam, another one of our favorite restaurants. We had our standard Masaman Curry and Mango Sticky Rice. It was fantastic. Then we went to the Symphony. It was so beautiful. The music was phenomenal. Last time I went to the symphony it wasn’t good music. This time was very romantic. We totally enjoyed ourselves this evening. I kept telling Eric how much I was loving this extravagant and long multiple day clue hunt for the proposal. In the middle of the Symphony I tried to search Eric. He said it wasn’t time yet because it was just between pieces, not at intermission. I found something squishy in his left shirt pocket. Oops, it turned out to be the Andes mint he put in his pocket for later. I had warned him not to save it. We thought it was funny, he ended up with chocolate on his nice shirt. Finally intermission came, so I was able to search him for real. I received another clue.
Results from the search at the Symphony:
Clue 16 You have found clue sixteen WHAT! There are more? That is just mean. Tomorrow morning you will go Stomping around in the snow Make sure you take your funny shoes With them you might get your next clues
Day 4 – Saturday January 31, 2009
So I woke up this morning knowing I would be going snowshoeing eventually. While I was relaxing on the couch waiting to find out from Eric when we would be going I received a phone call from my dear cousin Mindy.
During phone conversation with Mindy Long on Saturday morning:
Clue 10.6 I am clue ten point six I am cute and even due tricks You need to go back, and search through the house If you want to finish, and get you a spouse The notes that he left you all over the doors Get them, count them, and add up the score Be sure to find them all, this is a must If the count is wrong, it will be a bust
So I went through the house searching for all the clues that he had left me. I counted 33. Apparently I missed one. So I had to search again. I missed the one on the back of my bathroom door. Hello. How could I have missed that one? That’s probably the one that I had seen the most. So then we took off up the canyon to go snowshoeing. Eric asked if I brought my phone. I said of course, but I don’t always get reception. So we continued our drive up the canyon. When we got there I was gathering my things and was surprised to see my pack in the trunk. Eric said, “Oh that’s why your phone didn’t ring. You should check it.” So I did. And it was my good buddy Shannon.
Phone message from Shannon Forsyth Saturday at noon:
Clue 10.7 I am clue ten point seven here I am almost the last of my kind I fear Daughter is away in a distant land And will have to wait to see a ring on your hand You have great friends that stood by your side While you were on this emotional ride This clue has no puzzle, but just a hint The sun will be bright, you might have to squint
So then I found another clue in Eric’s snowshoe bag.
In the snowshoe bag:
Clue 17 You have to hike for a little while Your next clue won't come for about a mileJust walk around with this cute guy Out of the muck enjoying the blue sky
So Eric and I started our snowshoeing. I just love snowshoeing. It’s so great being out in the clean mountain air, getting some good exercise and just enjoying God’s beauty. I just love it. I don’t know why I don’t go more often. And today was especially glorious because of the company I had and being in the middle of my proposal. We had some fun in the snow. We kept journeying along. And finally Eric decided to take off toward this grove of trees away from all of the tracks of other adventurers. We ended up in this beautiful clearing in beautiful snow. So I asked for my clue. Eric got down in the snow and opened his bag. He handed me a clue. I was so glad.
While snowshoeing near our mile mark in a clearing of beautiful trees (Spruces campground):
Clue 18 Tonight for dinner I recommend the steak It is so good, I had reservations to makeIt will be nice, and then nearly done.The final step in all of our fun. It will be sad, to be at the end. But such a good story to tell all your friends. Can he do one more clue before tonight? I think if he did that would be alright. When will it be, now if it could? What if you ask him? Do you think he would?
I got really excited. I knew we were going to Fleming’s for dinner. We went there for our one year dating anniversary. And how romantic of him to choose that for the place to propose (is what I was thinking). I of course wanted more clues, so I asked if I could have more clues before dinner. And he obliged.
Clue 2 in our clearing while snowshoeing at the Spruces (along with Bones Season 2):
Clue 10.7.1 I am clue ten point seven point one Can you even remember all you have done? This last Christmas there was a bit of a rift Because of this, you didn't get a gift. I don't want to you walk away empty handed So the gift will arrive as if commanded You have season one and season three But no season two as you see It isn't there yet, that would have been good It will arrive early next week, well it should
And Eric told me that my Bones Season 2 (he’s already given me Bones season 1 & 3) was on its way. And that was the squint he was talking about with the clue Shannon gave me. For those of you unfamiliar with Bones, it is probably my favorite TV show. I love it. And Eric loves it too. Well, one of the main characters, Seeley Booth, calls all of the smart scientists at the Jeffersonian his squint squad (also calls them squints). And then Eric reached in his bag again and pulled out yet another clue for me.
The final clue. Given in our clearing while snowshoeing in the Spruces:
Clue 19 This is the final clue you will get It is also the longest for you yet I wanted this to be romantic I hope it worked out That when things are finished, you'll give out a shout You will have to anxiously await As we walk out, for our dinner date We can walk fast but it won't change the plan Because you have a bit of a stubborn man. Time will drag on as so it will seem When you get it you will just beam The months have been long and sometimes a stress I hope this proposal beats all the rest They said Hawaii couldn't be outdone Even if that is true, I think this was fun Remember that I will always love you Even if we fight and don't know what to do From monstrous kids that fill you with fright To snuggling with me, all through the night. I look forward to our future and a great life With you by my side as my wife. The ring is so pretty as you soon will see, Stop reading this and smile at the man on his knee.
So then I looked up and Eric was on his knee with the ring in his hand. He asked me to marry him. I of course said, yes. We kissed and took some pictures. I put on my GORGEOUS ring. Good thing it was warm enough that I didn’t need gloves out snowshoeing this day. So we called our parents while still up on the mountain. Then we tried calling our siblings on the way down the mountainside. We went to lunch at CafĂ© Rio, because by this point we were starving. We texted people the big news. Then we got ready for Flemings. We had a fantastic dinner at Fleming’s to celebrate our engagement. And that concludes this tale of the way that Eric proposed to me. I don’t think he could’ve done better in any way at all. This was the most fantastic proposal a girl could dream of. And I also have the most spectacular ring I could’ve ever hoped for. And what’s even better is that I have the best man in the world to share the rest of my life and eternity with. And they both lived happily ever after.
On this morning I was sleeping when all of the sudden Eric woke me up around 1 am to tell me that it was just him in the house and that I shouldn’t be alarmed. He had a key to my place because back in the day my roommate Nicole told me to give him one because she was tired of getting up to let him in. So anyway, I don’t think anything of him waking me up. I figure he was hungry or needed something or whatever. So I promptly when back to sleep. But then a little while later, Eric woke me up again. This time he asked me for my car keys. I told him where they were and then he told me to go back to sleep and not to get up until morning. Then he closed my bedroom door and left. Now of course I was totally curious as to what he was doing. So I lay there in my bed tossing and turning, listening to Eric wander all over the house. Then I needed to use the restroom so I texted Eric to ask if I could use the restroom (about 1:30 am). He told me I could, but I had to go straight back to bed. He stood in the hallway to make sure I didn’t go anywhere else. Then I went back to bed and told him this was horrible torture. That I just wanted to go and see what he was doing. He told me to wait until morning. So I tossed and turned for hours, not getting much sleep. Then at 5:40 am I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to get up. I got up and saw little pieces of papers stuck on the doors. Then I noticed Eric on the couch. I asked him why he was still here. He answered that he wanted to make sure that I didn’t get up and look around the house in the middle of the night. He told me he slept awful too because he kept worrying that I was going to cheat. I started reading all the cute little love notes and saying he left around the house. Then I found one that said something to make me think I was looking for a clue. And I mentioned something to him. He asked if I had read the first clue. I didn’t know there was a specific clue. So he told me to go back to the bathroom and look inside the envelope. And this is where it all begins…
Note on bathroom mirror:
Clue 1
You thought you were safe, it was just summer fun. But look at you now, what have you done! It was going to be just a quick summer fling, now you are hoping for a pretty diamond ring. Follow the clues, there are bound to be more, In fact your next one might be on a door.
On door (downstairs closet door of food storage room)
Clue 2
Love notes on all the wrong doors Step one is complete, now on to part two. Don't think to hard, you can breeze through Shower and dress and go on with your day Your next clue can be found in your way.
Notes that were on all the doors:
Nothing here, sorry! So close, or wait, nope. Did you know I love you? Wanna be my wife? Don't answer yet. You should really clean this cupboard Mmmm, cereal, but no clues. You can't hide romantic clues by the garbage silly. Brrr, looks cold out. I love the sparkle in your eyes.You have cute hair. Exchange this for a GIANT hug. Good for 2 kisses, well 4, no 8, okay lots. Look over there -> Congratulations! You've been voted "Most Beautiful" They say that there are plenty of fish in the sea, but you are the only one for me. TV Stands have doors Did you get the one on the oven? What about in the oven? I love snuggling with you.Are you keeping all these? You might need them later. I like it when we talk I am excited about our life together Do you miss me right now? You get me too. -Mr. Dryer Remember to look on the inside tooThat is the COOOOOLEST coat If you were in jail and could have someone bring you a cake, who would it be? Life just wouldn't be worth living without brownie mix, and YOU!You don't have to look outsideI love you. You're just stupid if you don't marry her I liked petting the sting ray I wouldn't start that if I were you. Did you find all of us?
I of course can’t wait until I get ready and am leaving to go out to my car to get the next clue. Eric tried to convince me that it wasn’t in my car. But hello, why else would he need my car keys? So I go out to my car and find clue #3.
In my car:
Clue 3 We went to Hawaii, South Dakota, Nebraska In our old age probably we’ll go on a cruise to Alaska We have so much together to do and to see, So let me get on, with clue number 3. We always enjoy fun things like the fair For your next clue please call the wife of "Here Bear!"
I had to wait for awhile before I could call the wife of “Here Bear”- Nichole May Ashby - because by this point it’s only 6 am. So I resign that I will have to wait awhile and get ready for the day. So when I need to leave I am of course anxious to get my next clue. So I quickly call Nichole and she asks me if I’m driving. I tell her yes. She asks me to promise. I do and quickly turn the radio on for her to hear so that I can get my clue. And just as I’m getting on the freeway she gives me this clue:
Nichole Ashby (do not give unless she is driving to work):
Clue 4 These clues seem too easy, but don't you despair, Eventually they will make you want to swear. You can't get to your next clue just yet, Knowing might make you go quick like a jet. Don't drive too fast or get in a funk, Your next clue awaits you right in your trunk.
I am super anxious at this point because I have to drive all the way down to BYU instead of just to Highland High School which will take an extra 25 minutes. I even had thrown things into my trunk and didn’t see the clue. Grrrr. But oh I was loving this whole clue thing. And the proposal had finally begun! So when I was finally at BYU I opened the trunk to find this clue:
In the trunk of my car along with 3 massage certificates:
Clue 5 Working with school kids can make you so bugged When you get home you'll want to be rubbed. Here is a gift you will definitely enjoy Coupons to get massaged by a cute boy. You have school now, and then family too How are you going to get your next clue? There is someone we visit on Sunday each week, If you say the right things she'll give you a peak. She doesn't know what you are going to say, But sweet things always help brighten your day. Tell her you love her, appreciate her and more, Then ask her if for you she has something in store?
I was already talking to Mom at this point, so I assumed it was probably her. So I did as the clue instructed, but she told me she didn’t have a clue for me. So I texted Shiloh (my sister-in-law) since she was the other female we visit each Sunday, but Shiloh said she didn’t have a clue for me either. So I texted Eric to see what was going on. He said that I wasn’t supposed to ask until I saw them tonight. He had reworded the clue without realizing he forgot to mention I couldn’t ask until our girls’ night. So here it was only 8:30 in the morning and I couldn’t get my next clue until 6 in the evening. At this point I figured that this would probably be an ongoing proposal since I had my family thing that night. When I got done with my conference at BYU I thought I’d give it a shot at getting Mom to give me my clue without seeing me. She told me no. She said she was going to follow Eric’s instructions. So finally I arrived at my cousin’s home that evening to earn my next clue.
From my mom – Susie Johnson:
Clue 6 They say when you marry, the whole family you get If that saying holds true, then we are totally set. Your evening is taken and that is okay Tomorrow another clue will come your way. Have fun with your family, because they are great, Get up a bit early for breakfast, you won't want to be late.
It was very fun and exciting. I told all the girls on my mom’s side of the family (that live near at least). They were all so happy for me. And when I was driving home I called Eric for him to meet me at home . And I got another clue:
Hung on a cupboard at home that night:
Clue 7 I do this for fun, not out of spite If you have to wait a bit longer, you will be alright You are probably anxious to see what I've done What do you think so far of day one? Tomorrow morning is going to be great, You will wake up and find clue number eight.
So that concludes day one of my marathon proposal. I was loving the entire thing. It was so fantastic. And I couldn’t wait for more.
Day 2 - Thursday January 29, 2009
I woke up to the sound of Eric locking his car door and entering my home. I stayed laying in bed as I listened to him making me breakfast. Then he came upstairs to serve me breakfast in bed (French Toast and Eggs). When breakfast was done I asked for clue 8.
My morning clue with breakfast in bed
Clue 8 Good morning, good morning, I am clue 8 How did you like the food on your plate? Yesterday’s clues seemed to just make you wait The outcome it seems was just not that great Today is much more fun, as you will see You should get a delivery, before period three.
Now I need to give you a little background at this point. I have this class called ProStart. Now most of these students I have had in years past as well as this year. So they have known about Eric the entire time we’ve been dating. They are constantly asking me if I’m engaged, and why hasn’t he done it yet and so and so forth. One day earlier this year, they told me I needed to tell Eric to propose during their class because they would be so excited. So after reading clue 8 I looked at Eric and said, “Really? You’re really going to involve ProStart?” He replied, “Why not, they want to be involved, so why not let them have fun with it?” So I figured I was getting a delivery of something (thinking flowers) during ProStart (Period A2).
So 2nd period starts (ProStart). I get the class started. Then in walks Eric with 2 dozen roses. I was stunned. I didn’t think he would come. I just expected a delivery. So my whole class looks at the door and say, “Who’s that?” Then they make the connection. Eric moves me to the center of the room and gets down on one knee, with flowers in one hand and a ring box in another. The class goes crazy wild! They are jumping up and down screaming. Some of them run out in the hall to get other classes and teachers to come. A crowd starts to gather (at least 30 extra people showed up). The noise level is out of control and it is hilarious! I am laughing and Eric is laughing and it is just plain awesome. Eric and I both started to tear up a little. And while the students are all yelling and freaking out I look and Eric and I ask him if he’s really doing it right there in 2nd period? Remember that he is down on one knee, with a ring box. He tells me he’s just giving the kids a show. So Eric starts to talk and the class (plus other spectators) becomes silent (which is historical for this group of students).
Clue 9 intro - fake proposal w/ flowers This is what Eric said while down on one knee: “Ms. Johnson you are the coolest teacher of all time, I'd like you to be mine, Would you do me the honor, and take clue number 9?”
So Eric stands up and hands me the clue envelope and flowers. Kisses me, tells me he loves me, and leaves. The class is so sad! They are upset that he didn’t give me the ring. Then finally they realize what is going on, that he said clue 9. So they ask for the story. One of them, Vanessa, said that she almost started crying. Other girls like Kiera are saying that they think he’s the cutest guy in the world. Julio and other guys are saying that he is the coolest and he’s putting so much effort and thought into the entire proposal. The students were all super impressed. One of the students, Alex, he asks me all the time if Eric has proposed yet, he asked me why Eric chose their class. I told him it was because their class is always wanting to know and because Alex had asked if Eric would propose in their class. Alex told me to tell Eric thanks for including their class in the proposal. – as a side note, numerous students from that class came back the next day to found out what the scoop was on the proposal. So here is the clue that Eric handed to me during class.
Eric handed to me with 2 dozen gorgeous pink roses during ProStart
Clue 9 Breakfast in bed, then flowers too. I wonder what he has planned next to do. Day two is much better than day one And it just started, just wait ‘til we're done. When you get a free minute you might want to look In your gmail to see what is booked. It won't be there the first time you check, Unless I had told you, you would have looked in a sec. Be patient, keep looking, don't you fret I think you're excited, in fact I would bet
So I kept checking the Google calendar awaiting the arrival of the next clue. And finally it showed up around 12 or 1.
On our Google calendar:
Clue 10 What: Dinner Somewhere - If you can guess where: You get to guess, it isn't too hard
On our first date we went to Texas Roadhouse. Who knew then that you would be my spouse. Tonight we continue the next clue as planned We will have dinner tonight, from a distant land. Eat just enough to satisfy your tummy, The leftovers reheat, and are still very yummy.
So then I knew we were going to India House for dinner. It is one of our favorite restaurants. And then I was slightly bummed that I might not be receiving more clues prior to dinner. But then to my happy surprise I received a text from Eric with the following message.
To me from Eric via text:
Clue 10.1
I am a new clue, called ten point one I am like all the others but a lot more fun I come out of nowhere, and despite my size If you figure me out, you get another prize We are all quizzes you must figure out Make sure you are right you don't want to doubt Wait for my friends, they show up at random You need all of us, we work in tandem.
So I was really excited to be getting more clues. And I thought it was super cute that Eric would use 10.1 since he is a computer geek and new software versions use that numbering system. J I had to double check with him that I wasn’t supposed to figure anything out from clue 10.1. I wasn’t. It was just warning me that more clues would be coming that I would have to figure out. So a couple hours later I received a phone call from one of our great friends Sarah Egbert. It was about 4:30 or 5 by now (if memory serves me well).
From Sarah Egbert via the phone:
Clue 10.2
You've been patient today through what felt like a drought Listen carefully as clue 10.2 comes out Ssend Eric a text so he'll know if you're right He'll send you one back sometime later tonight He has a big family as you know How many nieces and nephews are there, ready, GO!
Wahoo! An easy question to answer. I could even name almost of all them (sorry I did forget a couple of the nephews’ names for a few minutes).
I answered: You have 8 nephews: 5 alive, 1 who's passed on, and 2 step-nephews. You have 4 nieces: 3 normal and one-step niece. So you have 12 nieces and nephews all together.
Given to me at dinner at India House
Clue 11 There are so many things you've brought to my life I'm very excited to have you as my wife My favorite person has your next clue I will take you there, then you know what to do. You have to come get it because he won't understand How to get it through the phone from his little hand.
So I knew that we had to go to Eric’s sister Leisha’s house because Landon (4) has always been his favorite person. He loves this kid. Well, always been his favorite person might be misleading. Back in the early days of our dating I asked Eric if I was his favorite person. He told me no. I asked him who was his favorite person then….he said Landon. So it’s been a standing thing for us to see if I am more of his favorite than Landon at any given time. So we had a fabulous dinner at India House as I waited patiently to head out to Landon’s to get my next clue. From Landon with a real Pearl Necklace:
Clue 12 You can be his favorite that is okay As long as you both still come and play They love getting jewelry I have started a trend You do know that diamonds are a girl's best friend When you get Eric you also get all his gear Your next clue is buried in it I fear.
So I looked at Eric very worried that I would have to dig through his very smelly hockey gear. However, Eric assured me that it was just in all of his stuff, not necessarily the hockey gear. So I went downstairs to hunt through all his stuff stored at Leisha’s. Landon came with me. Landon kept wanting to play instead of help me find the clues. So after searching for quite awhile I still couldn’t find it so I went upstairs to ask for more hints. Eric told me to look toward the corner. I went and searched the corners again and again. Still no luck. So after awhile I went back upstairs to get more help. Eric came down and realized I was not a half-giant like him so he grabbed the clue for me since I was too short to find it.
Found amongst Eric’s gear attached to a huge Symphony bar:
Clue 13 I give you fair warning so we can be on time, To clean yourself up, and wash off any grime. I hope you're excited and didn't expect less, Tomorrow night, you will want to be wearing a dress. A skirt will do too, when we get in the car, And I drive you to the place named after this bar. It starts right at eight, we'll want to be a bit early. Get primped and primed, and all cute and all girly.
Day 3 - Friday January 30, 2009
So nothing exciting happened this morning. I was kind of sad, I enjoyed the breakfast with Eric two mornings in a row. I guess that’s one more thing to look forward to with my new life with my sweetie Eric. So during 1st period today my phone went off a few times (vibrate only). I couldn’t resist the temptation. I had to check my phone between classes. I found that my sister-in-law Shiloh had called and texted. I called her back to get my clue. J
From Shiloh Johnson over the phone at 9:05 am:
Clue 10.3
The first time you asked me I had no clue for you But guess what, Now I do! This is clue ten point three Pay attention and listen carefully You tried to convince him he was the first boy you kissed You thought you were sneaky, oh how you wished He didn't believe you, or give it a thought But do you remember, where is this spot
I guessed: I think the spot is on the love sacks at the Bakers’ house.Eric’s response: Oh you are wrong. Hint: I used to run for miles thereMy second guess: Liberty park, on the swings
From our good friend Missy Jurgens via the phone:
Clue 10.4 This is clue ten point four Don't you worry there will be more This is something Eric really likes Riding down mountains on his bike His favorite day ever there was no sun It rained and rained and was quite fun Guess the place that he would go In the summer when there is no snow. As you fly down make sure you steer You don't want to get hurt my dear.
My guess: Deer ValleyEric’s response: correct
Then I came home from school only to find a package left for me on the kitchen counter. It had another clue and also a caramel apple and chocolate dipped strawberries from our favorite, the chocolate cottage.
Waiting for me on my counter with caramel apple and chocolate strawberries:
Clue 14 welcome home I am clue fourteen excuse all those others that came in between would you look at that someone left you a treat boy that sure was sweet your next clue is hiding where could it be maybe outside, stuck on the .....
So I started to search outside. I started with the trees, since that is what the clue led me to believe. I checked the front tree and then the back. On my way back to the house I started to look on the porch to see what else could rhyme with be….when I found the note stuck on our water barrels out back. So here is clue 15.
On the water barrels out back:
Clue 15 Water? Water doesn't rhyme with be, Fooled you I'm sneaky you thought it was tree Ok, that was too easy, should we make it hard? Hope you’re inside, it is cold in the yard Guess what your next clue is sneaky too No one is just going to give it to you I suspect it's with the boy by you tonight I say search him, that's right Check him in the middle of the symphony Then we will be closer to him on one knee
So I finally started getting ready for our night at the Symphony. While I was in the shower washing off the grime, my good friend (and former mission companion) Michelle Brotherson had called and left me a message. I called her back, but she was unavailable. When we finally connected this is what she told me:
From Michelle Brotherson over the phone:
Clue 10.5 This is the place, you wish it was done On the sand, with the setting sun You brought home something you just love It lives under the seas and in heavens above There was another that was left behind, That nowhere else can I find. What is the creature Eric liked more than the rest When snorkeling with you and your floating vest
My guess: turtleEric’s response: Good job love, I would have accepted turtle or puffer fish because they both were soooooo fun.
So Eric came and picked me up for the symphony and dinner. We went to Thai Siam, another one of our favorite restaurants. We had our standard Masaman Curry and Mango Sticky Rice. It was fantastic. Then we went to the Symphony. It was so beautiful. The music was phenomenal. Last time I went to the symphony it wasn’t good music. This time was very romantic. We totally enjoyed ourselves this evening. I kept telling Eric how much I was loving this extravagant and long multiple day clue hunt for the proposal. In the middle of the Symphony I tried to search Eric. He said it wasn’t time yet because it was just between pieces, not at intermission. I found something squishy in his left shirt pocket. Oops, it turned out to be the Andes mint he put in his pocket for later. I had warned him not to save it. We thought it was funny, he ended up with chocolate on his nice shirt. Finally intermission came, so I was able to search him for real. I received another clue.
Results from the search at the Symphony:
Clue 16 You have found clue sixteen WHAT! There are more? That is just mean. Tomorrow morning you will go Stomping around in the snow Make sure you take your funny shoes With them you might get your next clues
Day 4 – Saturday January 31, 2009
So I woke up this morning knowing I would be going snowshoeing eventually. While I was relaxing on the couch waiting to find out from Eric when we would be going I received a phone call from my dear cousin Mindy.
During phone conversation with Mindy Long on Saturday morning:
Clue 10.6 I am clue ten point six I am cute and even due tricks You need to go back, and search through the house If you want to finish, and get you a spouse The notes that he left you all over the doors Get them, count them, and add up the score Be sure to find them all, this is a must If the count is wrong, it will be a bust
So I went through the house searching for all the clues that he had left me. I counted 33. Apparently I missed one. So I had to search again. I missed the one on the back of my bathroom door. Hello. How could I have missed that one? That’s probably the one that I had seen the most. So then we took off up the canyon to go snowshoeing. Eric asked if I brought my phone. I said of course, but I don’t always get reception. So we continued our drive up the canyon. When we got there I was gathering my things and was surprised to see my pack in the trunk. Eric said, “Oh that’s why your phone didn’t ring. You should check it.” So I did. And it was my good buddy Shannon.
Phone message from Shannon Forsyth Saturday at noon:
Clue 10.7 I am clue ten point seven here I am almost the last of my kind I fear Daughter is away in a distant land And will have to wait to see a ring on your hand You have great friends that stood by your side While you were on this emotional ride This clue has no puzzle, but just a hint The sun will be bright, you might have to squint
So then I found another clue in Eric’s snowshoe bag.
In the snowshoe bag:
Clue 17 You have to hike for a little while Your next clue won't come for about a mileJust walk around with this cute guy Out of the muck enjoying the blue sky
So Eric and I started our snowshoeing. I just love snowshoeing. It’s so great being out in the clean mountain air, getting some good exercise and just enjoying God’s beauty. I just love it. I don’t know why I don’t go more often. And today was especially glorious because of the company I had and being in the middle of my proposal. We had some fun in the snow. We kept journeying along. And finally Eric decided to take off toward this grove of trees away from all of the tracks of other adventurers. We ended up in this beautiful clearing in beautiful snow. So I asked for my clue. Eric got down in the snow and opened his bag. He handed me a clue. I was so glad.
While snowshoeing near our mile mark in a clearing of beautiful trees (Spruces campground):
Clue 18 Tonight for dinner I recommend the steak It is so good, I had reservations to makeIt will be nice, and then nearly done.The final step in all of our fun. It will be sad, to be at the end. But such a good story to tell all your friends. Can he do one more clue before tonight? I think if he did that would be alright. When will it be, now if it could? What if you ask him? Do you think he would?
I got really excited. I knew we were going to Fleming’s for dinner. We went there for our one year dating anniversary. And how romantic of him to choose that for the place to propose (is what I was thinking). I of course wanted more clues, so I asked if I could have more clues before dinner. And he obliged.
Clue 2 in our clearing while snowshoeing at the Spruces (along with Bones Season 2):
Clue 10.7.1 I am clue ten point seven point one Can you even remember all you have done? This last Christmas there was a bit of a rift Because of this, you didn't get a gift. I don't want to you walk away empty handed So the gift will arrive as if commanded You have season one and season three But no season two as you see It isn't there yet, that would have been good It will arrive early next week, well it should
And Eric told me that my Bones Season 2 (he’s already given me Bones season 1 & 3) was on its way. And that was the squint he was talking about with the clue Shannon gave me. For those of you unfamiliar with Bones, it is probably my favorite TV show. I love it. And Eric loves it too. Well, one of the main characters, Seeley Booth, calls all of the smart scientists at the Jeffersonian his squint squad (also calls them squints). And then Eric reached in his bag again and pulled out yet another clue for me.
The final clue. Given in our clearing while snowshoeing in the Spruces:
Clue 19 This is the final clue you will get It is also the longest for you yet I wanted this to be romantic I hope it worked out That when things are finished, you'll give out a shout You will have to anxiously await As we walk out, for our dinner date We can walk fast but it won't change the plan Because you have a bit of a stubborn man. Time will drag on as so it will seem When you get it you will just beam The months have been long and sometimes a stress I hope this proposal beats all the rest They said Hawaii couldn't be outdone Even if that is true, I think this was fun Remember that I will always love you Even if we fight and don't know what to do From monstrous kids that fill you with fright To snuggling with me, all through the night. I look forward to our future and a great life With you by my side as my wife. The ring is so pretty as you soon will see, Stop reading this and smile at the man on his knee.
So then I looked up and Eric was on his knee with the ring in his hand. He asked me to marry him. I of course said, yes. We kissed and took some pictures. I put on my GORGEOUS ring. Good thing it was warm enough that I didn’t need gloves out snowshoeing this day. So we called our parents while still up on the mountain. Then we tried calling our siblings on the way down the mountainside. We went to lunch at CafĂ© Rio, because by this point we were starving. We texted people the big news. Then we got ready for Flemings. We had a fantastic dinner at Fleming’s to celebrate our engagement. And that concludes this tale of the way that Eric proposed to me. I don’t think he could’ve done better in any way at all. This was the most fantastic proposal a girl could dream of. And I also have the most spectacular ring I could’ve ever hoped for. And what’s even better is that I have the best man in the world to share the rest of my life and eternity with. And they both lived happily ever after.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Wedding dress shopping is worse than the suck!
As most of you know, I am getting married though the official wedding propsal hasn't occurred. In light of this upcoming event, I decided to go wedding dress shopping. And can I say that I think it was the worst shopping experience of my life. It even tops jeans and swimsuit shopping. The reason being is that wedding dresses run small....meaning add at least 2 and more likely 4 sizes to your jeans size and that's where you get to go hunting in wedding dresses. What? Who came up with this system? It is awful. Your wedding day is the day you're supposed to feel pretty and wonderful, but instead I wound up feeling fat. Not a good experience to say the least (but also giving me more motivation to exercise more and eat better). Anyway, after thoroughly searching two stores I have found two different dresses that I quite like. I have posted the pictures and also a poll to the left. Please vote. I want to know what others think. Please be honest, but in your commenting keep in mind I must buy a dress and these are the best options I have thus found...P.S. The Allyse's Bridal dress would be in white. With a potential of a colored ribbon (only for pictures not for the temple).
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Succumbed to NewWorld
Hello family and friends,
I have now decided to put this off no longer. Who knows if I'll update frequently? I may just use this as an easy access starting point to view other blogs. :) How do you think I find yours? I simply look up one from my email and link to the rest. Now I can just go to mine and link to yours.
I have now decided to put this off no longer. Who knows if I'll update frequently? I may just use this as an easy access starting point to view other blogs. :) How do you think I find yours? I simply look up one from my email and link to the rest. Now I can just go to mine and link to yours.
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