Friday, January 9, 2009

Wedding dress shopping is worse than the suck!

As most of you know, I am getting married though the official wedding propsal hasn't occurred. In light of this upcoming event, I decided to go wedding dress shopping. And can I say that I think it was the worst shopping experience of my life. It even tops jeans and swimsuit shopping. The reason being is that wedding dresses run small....meaning add at least 2 and more likely 4 sizes to your jeans size and that's where you get to go hunting in wedding dresses. What? Who came up with this system? It is awful. Your wedding day is the day you're supposed to feel pretty and wonderful, but instead I wound up feeling fat. Not a good experience to say the least (but also giving me more motivation to exercise more and eat better). Anyway, after thoroughly searching two stores I have found two different dresses that I quite like. I have posted the pictures and also a poll to the left. Please vote. I want to know what others think. Please be honest, but in your commenting keep in mind I must buy a dress and these are the best options I have thus found...P.S. The Allyse's Bridal dress would be in white. With a potential of a colored ribbon (only for pictures not for the temple).